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The Power of Food Science (1)

Hey family! I welcome 🤝🤝 us into a new week, it's gonna be so full of pleasantness and fufilling promises.🥰🥰
It's been a long time desire in me to be able to write more elaborately on the power and even the beauty that lies in food related courses. Back to the days when we were still babies, you know, innocent but so ignorant, all we could afford to know was whatever our parents and teachers told us. Whenever we are asked, what do you want to become in future? The answers 'doctor', 'lawyer', 'pilot', 'soldier', 'teacher', and other notable professions were not far from our lips. I'm sure we can relate now? Abi? ... Smiles.😇
For me personally, there was never a day during my childhood and early aldolescent period when my answer to that question was a food scientist. 😃😁#Grin. I didn't even know there was anything as such. You know, a profession called food science, it was strange. When I first heard of it, I was confused, what is the science about food? What are they engineering in food? 🤷‍♂Has food become or emerged into a modern-day ambigious and sophisticated engine?
When I finally became a food science student, and some people asked about what I was studying, for quite a number of them, I saw the 😕 disappointment on their faces. Some even went ahead to ask me "But that's a feminine kind of course?", and for me, I'd be like "What? 😳😏, please come again sir". Some others will say "But that's for people who love the kitchen." The truth of the matter is, a lot of people still have misconceptions about food courses, and that's where I'd like to kick-start my points.
Every food-related course has a uniqueness of it's own. Food courses remain universally relevant, I mean across every nation, until a point in time, where a nation stops feeding on food, maybe they'd substitute it for computers or chemicals instead, you know, 😃 mixture of hydrogen, berilium and nitrogen in ratio 2:5:1, 😆😆 and then heat in oven at 120 degree celcius for 15seconds, and allow to sediment. LOL... 🤣🤣😂😅
The day Presidents of nations stop eating food, whether natural or processed, that's the day food related courses will lose their relevance.
It's so smazing how medical students 👨‍⚕👩🏻‍⚕pride themselves in the course they study, it isn't because they are arrogant, it is because they have a full understanding of the power in that course. As rugged as soldiers are, they still need food, I mean highly nutritious one. Bankers have not substituted food for money, not yet. Politicians can't survive without it, no matter how influential. The high-class need it, the middle-class can't do without it, the low-class are even dying for it.
My fellow students and professionals of the world of food, listen, for as long as people still depend on food as a primary source of life, you are ever relavant. We serve kings, we serve mediocres too. According to the ancient Jewish story, a aman named Joseph became prime minister of the ancient Egypt, because of his knowlege on food economics.
Please value your profession... I'd pick it from here tomorrow.
Thanks for reading! 🙏
Article By: Immanuel Rottex
Food, Nutrients & Health.

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