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Alzheimer's Disease (2)

dementia and mental health
Alzheimer's Disease


As this disease progress the symptoms change according to the stage which will gradually worsen over time.
STAGE 1: In this stage there is no symptoms because it not visible to the patients so it is impossible to know whether a person has it or not.
STAGE 2: In this stage the symptoms are becoming noticeable, such as forgetfulness i.e they can no longer remembered where they have placed things earlier.
STAGE 3: In this stage, symptoms like mild physical and mental impairment began to appear such as decline in memory function, difficulty remembering names about someone or something, inability to plan or organise things well and it may only be noticeable by family and friends.
STAGE 4: In this stage, symptoms like memory loss, inability to prepare meals, forgetting some personal information, inability to manage finance began to appear and notice by everyone around.
STAGE 5: In this stage, symptoms like inability to choose proper clothing to wear,finding it difficult to remember some information(address, phone number,date,day of the weeks or month), become confused about their environment began to appear and they are unable to function without the assistance of their loves ones.
STAGE 6: In this stage,the personality of the people with Alzheimer's disease changes become visible in which they will need help with basic tasks such as eating and putting on their cloth properly, inability to recognize faces except for closet friends and relatives. Many times they wander off and get lost if not be cared for.
STAGE 7: This stage is the most severe and final stage of Alzheimer's because they are suffering from worst effects of Alzheimer's disease and it leads to death. They lose the ability to speak, inability to respond to others,they are unable to smile,sit up or swallow and muscle get rigid.

Researchers don't known exactly what causes Alzheimer's diseases. But scientists believes that various factors might put people at risk for developing this progressive disease.
AGE: These is the first risk factor of Alzheimer's disease. This risk goes up as you get older but for most people the real risk began to increase after age 65.
GENDER: Gender is another risk factor of Alzheimer's disease but in this factor women get these disease more often than men.
FAMILY HISTORY: Another risk factor of Alzheimer's disease is family history. In this factor people who have parents, brothers or sisters with Alzheimer's disease are more likely to get it also.

   Consider the following to help prevent Alzheimer's;
1. Getting regular exercise
2. Get enough sleep
3. Eat a healthful diet
4. Participating in social event, reading,dancing, playing games and instrument etc.
5. Quit smoking
6. Managing the risk of diabetes, obesity,and high blood pressure.

Tijani Opeyemi Lydia
Food, Nutrients & Health
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