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      Eczema is a dry, itchy, red skin condition that affects a person skin. Eczema occurs in babies, children and adults; it can appear anytime of life and anywhere on the body. It usually starts on the face followed by the hands, elbows, knee, neck, wrists, ankles and feet. Most especially eczema appears on hand and feet of adults. It can be inherited partially but cannot spread from one person to another.


1. Itchy skin
2. Dry and scaly skin
3. Darkened patchy areas on the skin
4. Red skin caused by extra blood flowing on the skin blood vessels in the affected area
5. Swollen skin from scratching

What causes the eczema is unknown but scientific believe that eczema is caused by the combination of factors which include:
1. Genetic and environmental factors
2. Activities that may cause the skin to be dry and more sensitive
3. Irritants such as hair dye, soaps and harsh detergents, acids and alkalis, heat, dry skin, sweating, low humidity, fabric softener.
4. Allergic such as clothing dyes, antibiotic creams or ointment that is used on the skin, dust mites, metals such as nickel and cobalt. People with eczema often suffer other allergic conditions such as asthma or hay fever, or both. Food allergies may sometimes be responsible in children who present with more severe eczema early in life.

To prevent eczema, the following are necessary;
1. Avoid stress.
2. Avoid the use of harsh detergents and soap.
3. Use humidifier.
4. Bath in warm water and using a mild soap.
5. Wear a loose fitting cloth.
6. Avoid scratching or rubbing the area of your skin where itchy.
7. Maintain good hygiene.
8. Apply moisturizer regularly, especially after bathing.
9. Avoid foods that cause allergic reaction such as fish, cow milk, eggs, wheat, soy, and citrus fruit.

Article by: Tijani Opeyemi Lydia
Food, Nutrients & Health


www.medical news

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