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Health Benefits of Plant Based Diets

Plant Based Diet simply refer to a diet made of food products from plants. Although, there seems to be many interpretations of “Plant-Based Diet”. But I need you to understand that it doesn’t necessarily mean elimination of every other animal food products, but rather a diet that is centred on food products from plants. 

To have a broader understanding of Plant Based Diets, I would like to dive into the five group of food from plants.

1. Fruits
Fruit is a fleshy part of plant, which develops from the plant’s flower, usually containing a seed or more. Examples would include apple, banana, mango, orange, watermelon, pawpaw, grape, strawberry etc.

2. Vegetables 
Vegetables are plants or parts of plants usually eaten by humans. Some of these plants can be eaten with exposure to minimal food processing techniques. A few examples are spinach, cabbage, lettuce, onions, jute leaf (Yoruba- Ewedu) etc.

3. Tubers
Tubers are enlarged structures in plant acting as food storage and growing in the ground, in or around the root region of the plant. Examples are yam, cassava, potato, carrots, sweet potatoes etc. 

4. Whole Grains 
Whole grains include foods like rice, wheat, corn, sorghum, barley, oat etc.

5. Legumes
They include beans, nuts, soybeans, cowpeas, and groundnuts. 

Although there are several benefits of plant based diets but I would love to mention two major benefits;

1. Weight Control
 Plant-based diets are nutrient dense and full of fibre, this makes them so effective for weight loss. Plant based diets can help you cut out excess calorie intake, because the presence of fibre can make you feel fuller. And fibres are indigestible, so serves are good measure for calorie intake control.  Apart from making you feel full, fibre also makes the digestive tract healthier, aids digestion process and eases bowel movement.

2. Disease Prevention
The essence of plant based diet in living a healthy life cannot be over-emphasised. Plant based diets are rich in micronutrients, antioxidants and phytochemicals. All of these helps in improving a person’s immune system. Your heart would be healthier with plant-based diets, because by having such you would eliminate all manners of saturated fat and excessive sugar intake from other food products. Plant based diet gives you a reduced risk of type-2 diabetes. All of these are scientifically proven. 

Basing the higher percentage of your diet on junks and highly (industrially) processed foods isn’t a healthy way of living. Junks and Industrially processed foods have their place, but they shouldn’t constitute the major part of your diet. Eat healthy, this will influence the kind of life you would live. 

Thanks for reading!
Article By: 
Oluwadurotimi Okediji
Food, Nutrients and Health

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