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Rest & Sleep

Rest and Sleep
Good day family!
Another beautiful day is here. Welcome back to today’s episode of Food, Nutrients & Heath. I’m here with another enlightening topic.
We should know that rest and sleep are forms of relaxation. After each day’s work, the body not only needs good food but it also requires sweet rest and sleep in order to be strong for the next day’s work. Failure to have enough rest and sleep can affect health.

What is Rest and Sleep?
Rest means to relax or do nothing after a period of activity in order to refresh the body and mind. It is also referred to as quiet wakefulness, resting with your eyes closed can calm your mind. It reduces stress and improves your mood.
One can achieve rest by sitting comfortably on a chair or by lying on a bed. While resting, an individual is conscious of all that is happening around him/her. For example; you can hear sounds and you can see and feel. During rest, the mind and muscles are relaxed.
Rest is necessary after each meal and after doing some activities like swimming, running, teaching, learning, cooking and so on.
Sleep is the natural state of rest in which the eyes are closed and the mind and body are not active or conscious of what is happening around us. Everybody needs sleep of about eight hours a day. Failure to have enough sleep could affect our mental state and cause fatigue. Some of the benefits of rest and sleep include the following
           For better productivity and concentration.
Research has linked getting enough sleep for better concentration, productivity and cognition.
·        To lower the risk of heart disease.
One risk factor of heart disease is high blood pressure. Getting adequate rest and sleep each night allows the body blood pressure to regulate itself. This promotes better overall heart health.
·        For social and emotional intelligence.
It funny how rest and sleep can be connected to our emotions but it has link to people’s emotional and social intelligence. Someone who does not sleep is more likely to have issues with recognizing other people’s emotions and expression. Researchers concluded that a person’s emotional empathy is less when they do not get adequate sleep.
·        Rest and sleep are the natural cures for fatigue and tiredness. Get adequate rest and sleep.
Sleep needs vary from person to person depending on their age. As a person ages they typically require less sleep to function properly. According to the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), the breakdown is as follows;
-         Newborns (0-3 months): 14-17 hours
-         Infants (4-12): 12-16 hours
-         Toddler (1-2 years): 12-16 hours
-         Preschool (3-5 years)          : 10-13 hours
-         School age (6-12 years): 9-12 hours
-         Teens (13-19): 8-10 hours
-         Adult (20-60): 7 plus hours
-         Adult (61-64): 7-9 hours
-         Adult (65+ years): 7-8 hours

As well as the number of hours, the quality of sleep is important. The following are the guidelines for a proper rest and sleep;

·        Make sure your bedrooms/sitting rooms are well ventilated.
·        Maintain a good posture while sleeping.
·        Wear loose fitting sleeping wears.
·        Sleep on firm, smooth, comfortable bed and mattress.
·        Maintain a quiet atmosphere during rest and sleep
·        Do not engage your brain in serious thinking. 
Rest and sleep are vital. Getting adequate rest and sleep helps refresh the body and replace lost energy in the body. Ensure you always get proper rest and sleep after each day’s activities for a good and sound health. Remember that health is wealth!
Thanks for reading!

Article By:
Iyiola Grace Omowumi
Food, Nutrients & Health

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Obiageli Eyisi, Fatima Bello, Laraba Bello, Foluke Akanbi (2007) Home Economics for Junior Secondary School; University Press PLC Ibadan.


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