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Food Allergy 1

Good day everyone,
Welcome To another series of Food, Nutrients and Health.
Today, I will be picking up the topic called "FOOD ALLERGY"

I will like to kick start my review from the fundamental comprehension of the root morphemes/syllables.
But before that,I will love to share my little experience.

I have a friend who always dessert some type of food especially the local ones(amala to be precise), I always condemned him, because I thought he was using that as a form of pride or self-lifting, untill a day I questioned him and he explained that, after eating such food he usually had some contraction in his belly.
Actually,I didn't believe this, until I understood Food Allergy…

Now moving on,
What do we call Food? Food is any substance, which when consumed by the body is equipped for furnishing the body with basic nourishment for life’s continuity. It is sometimes called sustenance.
It is a general thought that what is fed into the mouth is FOOD, that's inaccurate, Food has its root in nutrition supplement. So any food that doesn't offer nutrient is not to be called food but a scrap.

Now advancing to the next term, "ALLERGY"
I characterized ALLERGY more or less as *any condition of hypersensitivity to a substance*. Out there, various types of hypersensitivities(ALLERGY) exists,examples include drug,latex,seasonal,animal,food allergy and so forth.

Among the key factor for this study, IMMUNE SYSTEM is incorporated. IMMUNE SYSTEM is essentially guarded help for the body. In simple form, they are resistant framework.
They assault any malware or adversary against the body,they are extremely important in light of the fact that once they become ineffective,the body can be destroyed.These are the reasons why any illness of the IMMUNE SYSTEM, like AIDS are in every case lethal or deadly.
Please refer to the topic on our blog"NUTRITION AND IMMUNE SYSTEM" or click here for better understanding

Summing up and conglomerating each of the terms characterized above.
A FOOD ALLERGY is response that happens when your IMMUNE SYSTEM abnormally or strangely overrate a FOOD or a substance in a FOOD, recognizing it as a threat and setting up a defensive reaction.
food allergy
For brevity,
A food allergy is an abnormal immune response to food that's not typically harmful.As reiterated at the beginning of this article,the local food my friend doesn't eat is not harmful, even I personally takes the food as my favorite,and is generally the best food amidst the Yoruba tribe in Nigeria. But the misconception that happens was as a result of the mis-functionality of this immune system which causes the undesirable symptoms.
Most times, Allergy for food is developed once a food substance you eat initially with no drawback has not been taken for years. The reason why food allergy must be handled with care is because its effect can range from delicate to dangerous situation.

Even it can lead to a lethal condition called anaphylaxis.This will be discussed in the latter part of this article. Moreover, Food Allergy is much uncontrolled and frequent among children,it affects 4-6% as recorded by centers for diseases control and prevention (CDCP), but the few ones in adult mostly include oral allergy syndrome.

Join me same time, next Thursday for the continuation of the series.
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References are included in cites
Article by;
Olawale Micheal Juwon (CEPHMIC)
 Food, Nutrients and Health

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