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The Apple is a sub- acid fruit and one of the most valuable of all the fruits. Nearly 7,500 varieties of the fruit are grown worldwide and it contains minerals and vitamins in abundance.

Apple are invaluable in the treatment and maintainance of good health and in the treatment of many aliments, the saying “ an apple a day keeps the doctor away” sum up the healthful and nourishing qualities of apples.

Natural health benefits of an apple and curative properties are:

1. Constipation and diarrhea; apples are beneficial in the treatment of both constipation and diarrhea.Raw apple should be taken daily for proper evacuation of bowels, cooked or baked apples are good for diarrhea.

2. Heart disease; Apples are highly beneficial in the treatment of heart disease, they are rich in potassium and phosphorus but low in sodium from ancient times apple and honey is considered a very effective remedy  for functional disorder of the heart. 

3. High blood pressure; the apple diet has a rapid and considerable diuretic effect causing increased secretion diuretic effect causing increased secretion of urine and this bring down the blood pressure to normal. It also relieves the kidneys by reducing the supply of sodium chloride to a minimum in addition; it lowers the sodium level in the tissue because of the high level of potassium in apple.

4. Dental disorders; tooth-decay can be presented by regularly consumption of apples as they possess a mouth cleansing property, they have the same effect as toothbrush in cleaning the teeth says doctor TT Hank in book Dental SURVEY, the acid of the apple also exerts an antiseptic influence upon germs present in the mouth and teeth when thoroughly chewed.

Apple's should be consumed on an empty stomach as it may lead to indigestion. Apple's are often sprayed with poisonous chemicals to prevent them from decay,the fruit should be thoroughly washed and cleaned in all possible ways before consumption.

Do you know?

Regular consumption of apple with milk promotes health and youthfulness and helps build healthy and bright skin.
The skin of the apple should not be discarded when taken in raw form as the skin and flesh just below it contain more vitamin C than the inner flesh.

The apple skin contains five times more Vitamin A than the flesh.
What is your resolve from today, promise me you will eat one apple everyday, don’t procrastinate start it today.

Article By:
Ojo Olalekan Solomon
Food, Nutrients & Health

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