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Meat and Meat Alternates


Meat is the flesh of animals that humans prepare and consume as food.

Today, most meat world wide comes from domesticated animals raised on farms mainly large industrial complexes that often house thousands of animal at a time.

Types of meat are categorized by their animal source and how they are prepared

1. Red Meat: This comes from mammals and contains more of the iron-rich protein myoglobin in it tissue than white meat. Examples lnclude; beef(cattle),

pork(pigs and dogs), lamb, veal(calves), goat.

2. White Meat: This is generally lighter in colour than red meat and comes from birds and small game. Examples Include; chicken, turkey, duck and goose, wild birds such as quail and pheasant

3. Processed Meat: Processed meat has been modified through salting, smoking, drying or other processes to preserve it or enhance it flavor. Examples Include; hotdogs, sausage and bacon.

Nutrients in meat

Lean meat is considered an excellent protein source. It contains about 25-30% protein by weight after cooking. Animal protein is a complete protein, meaning it provides all nine essential amino acids.

A 3-5 Ounces (100-gram) portion of lean beef provides; Calories, Protein, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Niacin, Phosphorus, Zinc and Selenium.

Meat is a highly controversial food, on one hand, it's a staple in many diets and a great source of protein and important nutrients. On the other hand some people believe eating it is unhealthy, unethical and unnecessary, but it can be consumed in a way that is healthiest by the following;

1. Choose non- processed products

2.Minimize high heat cooking

3.Give Organs meats a try

Benefits of eating meat

1. Reduced appetite and increased metabolism

2. Retention of muscle mass

3. Stronger bones

4.Better iron absorption

In conclusion, Meat is an excellent source of protein and several Vitamins including Vitamins B12, Niacin and Selenium

Thank you for reading!

Article by;

Aanuoluwapo Ruth Adisa

Food, Nutrients & Health


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