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It is worth going for, from the taste to the smell, to the look, and the more we eat it, the more we crave for it. We often enjoy snacking while studying, working, or watching our favourite movie series. Eating junks could pose a risk to our health.

Junk foods are foods that contribute lots of calories, but a low nutritional value.

Most junk foods are either snacks such as puff puffs, cakes, doughnuts, and fast foods such as fried chips, burgers.

They are often called empty calories because they can only supply the body with energy.

Junk foods contain high fats, sugar, and salts, mainly to increase their palatability and taste and make them more appealing; this makes them low in satiety and increases the desire to consume more. The high salt in Junk foods could increase the risk of high blood pressure; also, the high fats could increase the risk of obesity and cardiovascular diseases.


1. Plan ahead: planning with a healthy meal or snack prevents the urge to consume junk foods, especially during working hour. Try planning out each week’s meal during the weekend, go shopping for groceries you need, prepare large batches of food, pack an amount you can easily grab, and pack healthy snacks such as a sandwich, apple, orange, and cucumber.

2. Shop within the perimeter: Fresh foods are often stored within the perimeter of the grocery stores; foods such as dairy products, meat, fruits, and fish. Also, check food labels before buying a product and go for foods with fewer ingredients or a low list of ingredients because they are often less processed. 

3. Eat healthy fats: Healthy fats contain unsaturated fats and they can be food in foods  such as Avocados, peanut oil, olive oil; Fatty fish such as salmon, and mackerel; Nuts and seeds such as almonds, peanuts, cashews, and sesame seeds which lowers the LDL, and prevent build inflammation, heart-healthy fats increase satiety and reduce cravings.

4. Eat healthy Proteins: proteins have the highest satiety level, so consider filling your diet with healthy sources of protein such as beans, fish, milk, and nuts.

5. Work on stress management: our food choices are sometimes affected by our emotions, and stress can prevent us from having a healthy food choice.

Stress can cause certain brain parts to release specific chemicals such as opiates and neuropeptide, which can trigger cravings for fats and sugars.


1. Focus on eating a healthy diet: a healthy diet consists of the six classes of nutrients in the right proportion; eating various foods from different food groups enables us to get a healthy diet, and also try adding fruit and vegetables which makes your food colourful and healthier.

2. Avoid Skipping Breakfast: eating a healthy breakfast sets you on pace for a productive day and reduces your chances of snacking on high fats and sugar foods.

Though junk foods could be appealing to our sight and taste, junk foods could pose a risk to our health because often, producers of this food add high fats, carbs, and sugars to increase its taste, shelf-life, and sensory quality. It is possible to cut or stay off junk foods by planning ahead, shopping within the perimeter, eating healthy fats and proteins, working on stress management, and consuming a healthy diet by eating various foods. 

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Article by;

Kikelomo Omotosho

Food, Nutrients & Health


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