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Teen's Diet

Teen's Diet

I’ll like to welcome you all specially to another series on Food, Nutrient and Health.

We’ll be discussing a very interesting topic titled “Teen’s Diet”.

The teen years comes with a lot of changes. Teens will grow emotionally, functionally, intellectually, developing a sense of independence and self-esteem.

Teens will also grow physically, increasing their need for calories and nutrients. As parents it is you responsibility to guide your tens on how to make healthy food choices. The best way to achieve this purpose is by encouraging them to eat balanced diet, in essence a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, no fat or low fat, milk, beans, eggs, fish, water and nuts.

As a teenager, eating healthily doesn’t have to mean giving u your favourite foods. It simply means eating a variety of foods and cutting down on food and drinks high in fat and sugar, such as sugary fizzy drinks, cakes and chocolates. These foods should be eaten less often and smaller amounts. If you’re watching your weight, a healthy, balanced diet is the way to go, dieting, skipping breakfast or starving yourself doesn’t work.

Below are some foods options which are healthy for teenagers;

Generally, most people asides teenagers don’t like eating beans. Beans is probably the least sexy food on the planet especially when it comes to convincing your teen to eat it, but beans provide enormous nutrition at very low cost. During growth phases in teen years, the body is crying out for micronutrients to help it lay down bone and muscle.
Beans are very high dietary fiber, but also very high in iron and magnesium, two nutrients that help the body restore and grow muscle tissue.

It’s much nature’s natural growth hormone, which makes full fat milk excellent for teenagers who aren’t lactose intolerant. Milk will provide them with an ingredient array of nutrients like calcium and vitamin D at a time when their bodies and growing bones need it most. For a teen who partakes in athletic training, there is an advantage for such teen, where additional protein content will ensure better muscle recovery and make early morning training easy.

Concentrating at school is particularly tough for teenagers especially if they live off a diet of chips and soft drink. By incorporating a handful of blueberries into their daily diet, you’re effectively giving them the tools to use their brain to its best ability, because memory and even concentration. They are also a valuable source of fiber and vitamin B6 for early morning energy.

Let’s forget sugary cereals. To give your teen the best possible start to the day you should try feeding them a bowl of rolled oats. Oats are full of cholesterol-blocking dietary fiber.

Yoghurt is a great addition to any teenager’s diets as it probably the tastiest probotic you can buy. Probotics are live microorganism promoted with claims that they provide health benefits when consumed. They help improve the function and efficiency of the gut. A healthy gut improves the mood, lowers the chances of bloating and improves satiety and even help stave off eating disorders.

Eggs are very high in selenium (perfect for optimum eyes function), very high in protein (for repairing muscle tissue) and very high in saturated fat (perfect for filling you up). There is also evidence that eating eggs can help improve brain function.
I support healthy teen’s diet and I hope you do too!

Thanks for reading!

Article By:
Iyiola Grace Omowumi
Food, Nutrients & Health.
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