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Hundred thousand project

A man by the seaside so full of certain crab-like biological organisms watched many of the organisms die as the waves sent them out of the water. He felt sorry for the marine creatures and helped quite a number back into the river. Then a stranger questioned him "What's the point doing that? Thousands of those creatures die daily, and your doing that doesn't stop the process from repeating itself." The man paused, smiled, took one more of those creatures and threw it back into the sea. He then replied, "How I wish you know the joy that was just restored to that which I helped."

Many questions are left in the heart unanswerable even by the wisest men who ever lived. But as seemingly great as the challenges around our world may present itself, you and I can take positive step to make but a little change

Why tell the story? Is it to tag certain people as crabs and a few others as saviours? Of course not, we all are merely privileged. But just to let you know the power of giving hope to one who thinks hope is lost

#100,000 to zero hunger is a project by The Food Legends, not just for the sake of philanthropy but much more for bringing hope to someone (a child/a people) who might think all hope is lost. Partner with us as we work towards the achievement of this. Check flier for detail

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