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Why Balanced Diet?

Hello friends!!!
Welcome back to another series of Food, Nutrients & Health.
Today we shall take a look at a very interesting topic titled “Why Balanced diet.
I will urge you all to stay tuned and enjoy every bit of the article.

The term balance brings a lot of things to mind, like really! First we have the balance scale, second we have this other stuff kids do have fun with, sometimes called swings. And you know there are different types of swings. There is no way to draw things via text, I would have done that. But there’s this kind of swing children are fond of, it is a kind of balance with two seats opposite each other. A child can sit on one of the seats, and then if a bigger kid sits at the other end, there immediately is this up-and-down movement, that goes on and on until one of the parties gets tired. That analogy is an example relating to balance.

People often tease themselves, especially in this part of our world with the saying “You like food”, they say these when you express hunger or a need for more food, and just for fun anyway. But really, is there anyone who wouldn’t like food? Like seriously, I’m anticipating meeting that guy one day, he must be an alien from the Venus planet (the earth’s twin)… Lol. We can’t do without food, we can’t live without diet. So generally speaking every single person have a diet pattern, it doesn’t matter whether they admit it or not.

One more misconception I’ll like to clear, some people think that it is only sick people who are on diet or obese people, that isn’t true. Everyone is on diet. Diet is just a way of saying eating routine, or eating plan, or eating schedule. So… 

What is a balanced diet?
A balanced diet is one that contains all the six classes of food to give the body a proper nutrient it deserves to function well. It contains proteins, vitamins, carbohydrate, minerals, fats & oils and water and each of the classes of food has a significant role in a balanced diet. Knowing what a balanced diet is, let’s take a look at the importance.
  • A proper and balanced diet will help to reduce the occurrence of diseases like diabetes, hypertension and many other sicknesses. It is body that feeds well that will maintain health. Good foods really load our immune system with vital weapons for combat, like ammo and bazooka (those are proteins and vitamins) … #winks

·       Balanced diet lowers cholesterol and blood pressure
As we know that high blood pressure and high cholesterol leads to the causes of heart attack worldwide. If you consume high in animals fat & salt. It can not only promote weight gain, but also negatively affect your wellbeing.

·       Balanced diet increases longevity
If you want to live a long life have it in mind that your diet has a strong influence of improving your health and to living a long life.
·       Balanced diet enhances healthy weight which will prevent health problems and reduce the risk of developing diabetes and heart diseases.
·       Balanced diet improves heart health.
Studies shows that for the prevention of heart diseases it is recommended to include whole grains, vegetables, fruits in the menu as well as reduce the consumption of sugar, salt and saturated fat.

A lot of people think that balance diet is a function of wealth and abundance, but this is not necessarily true! Eating balanced diet is rather a function of knowledge. I’ll cite an example. Have you ever left home for work or school without breakfast, except some little cash at hand, let’s say #200. And then, as the day goes on, this mystical kind of hunger suddenly descends on you like an anaconda snake, and all your intestines are sounding like someone is about to flush them down the drain. You know those kinds of hunger that turns every comedy you hear to an angry piece. You fiancé called you and was playing some funny pranks to excite you, but amidst that stress and hunger you didn’t see anything funny, you were just yelling and shunning, like you want to act a new series of the movie ‘snake in the eagle shadow’. Luckily for you, work ended early that day and it is time to go home. An hungry man is truly an angry man.

As you stormed out of the office, you went straight to a fast food joint. Now reader, if you are the one I want to give you two options.
First, buy #100 bread (or any other flour made product) and #100soft drinks, then go home and eat. Second, buy #100 bread (or any other flour made product) and a sachet of milo or bournvita plus a sachet of milk, then go home and eat. Which of these options will come to your mind first?
For many, it is option one, because they don’t know much about nutrition. Carbonated drinks fall in class of junks, milk falls in the class of healthy food.

Anyway, in conclusion, we are advised to eat foods and consume all classes of foods in  moderate and required proportions.  Balanced diet can help to avoid premature ageing, heart diseases and to increase our life span.

Thanks for reading!


Article By:
Iyiola Grace Omowumi
Food, Nutrients & Health.

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