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Eating Healthy

Eat Healthy

*Eating Healthy*

Beautiful morning to you. The day shall bring to you good tidings. I’d like you to pay attention as you read through the article this morning, it promises to be educative. Healthy eating or eating healthy is not the same term as ‘dieting’. That’s the first point I’d like you to note. Dieting is having a series of meals targeted at reducing a significant amount of weight in a short span of time. Healthy eating instead, incorporates three main ideas

*Eating a balanced diet
*Having a healthy attitude towards food
*Understanding the environmental impact of your diet

‘Dieting’ is a term used to describe the process of cutting down or cutting out certain food groups, typically to aid rapid weight loss, whereas healthy eating promotes the long term aim of maintaining a well-balanced diet.

In my own opinion, diets aren’t necessarily a healthy option - they can lead to dramatic weight loss, but because they are only short term fixes, weights often creep back on after the diet is finished. Also some fad diets have zero scientific proofs that they work and can make you feel unwell.

…to be cont’d

Thanks for reading,
Article By: Immanuel Rottex

Good morning,
Food, Nutrients & Health

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