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Women's Health


*Women's Health*

Our food choices may play a significant role in
health issues affecting women, including
menstruation and menopause , pregnancy and
breastfeeding , and risk for certain types of
cancer .
Besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most
common cancer among American women. To
demonstrate how dramatically lifestyle choices
may impact breast cancer risk, researchers
followed about 30,000 postmenopausal women
with no history of breast cancer for about
seven years. Limiting alcohol, eating mostly
plant foods, and maintaining a normal body
weight was associated with a 62 percent lower
risk of breast cancer.

Remarkably, eating a plant-based diet along
with walking every day may improve our
cancer defenses within just two weeks.

What about carcinogens in cooked meat?
Women who eat more grilled, barbecued, or
smoked meats over their lifetimes may have as
much as 47 percent higher odds of breast

Consumption of animal-based products have
also been implicated in earlier onset of
puberty for girls, which had begun when girls
were on average 16 or 17 until the 20
century, but now we see significant numbers
of girls starting to grow breasts before they’re
8 years old, and increased risk of infertility.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS ), potentially
the most common hormonal abnormality
among young women in the United States and
a common cause of infertility, menstrual
dysfunction, and excess facial and body hair—
may also be affected by diet. Advanced
glycation end products ( AGEs) may contribute
to the cause of PCOS and infertility. So, in
addition to not smoking, we should decrease
consumption of foods high in protein and fat,
and rich in AGEs, such as meat, cheese, and
egg yolks, and increase intake of foods high in
antioxidants , such as berries, herbs, and
Plant-based diets appear to offer relief from a
variety of menstrual symptoms, including
bloating and breast pain (cyclical mastalgia),
and women suffering with dysmenorrhea—
painful, crampy periods—who switch to a
plant-based diet experience significant relief
in menstrual pain intensity and duration.

Image Credit: Pixabay. *This image has been

Article by: Immanuel Rottex

Good morning,
Food, Nutrients & Health.

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