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TRAVELING: A Form of Relaxation


TRAVELING: A Form of Relaxation

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt all you needed was a break from work, school activities or even life’s issues? 

You know when works get tedious it could really be frustrating and tiring, academics or school activities can become choking and annoying especially when you have like 7am-6pm class with no break in between, I know what a student is probably thinking right now. 

Life issues could actually drain man of his time, sleep and many more. When you think of ways forward financially, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically, socially and all, it exhausting!

Well that’s why I’m writing on the topic “Travelling”. 

Amazingly, travelling has been proven scientifically to have some health benefits and by now you should know I care about your health that’s why I’ll be advising that you take a break. Yes! Go for a vacation. 

Travel not just for the fun of it but also for the health benefits. Some of the health benefits are as follows;

 Travelling Relieves Stress and Boosts Mental Health

In other words travelling is a form of relaxation. Travelling has the ability to take you out of your daily routine and into new surroundings and experiences which resets your body and mind. Do you know that even a thought of it tickles your fancy? It boosts happiness and feels rewarding. Not only does travelling reduce stress but it expands the mind. Meeting new people adapting to new cultures make one more globally and culturally aware. This keeps the mind sharp, increases creativity and helps with personal growth. For example, a business owner tends to learn new ideas and innovation to improve his business life when he goes on a vacation. You should also know that when you are happy, your body relaxes.

Travelling Lowers the Risk of Depression

Let’s all think of it like this, is there a way you’d travel and depression will set in? No right, like how will depressions set in when you meet new people, relaxes, have fun. It’s not possible, like I stated earlier even while you’re planning your trip it brings joy to your heart. So there’s no way depression will set in. Travelling makes man less/not depressed.

Travelling Improves Sleep Pattern

Poor sleep mixed with high stress is a toxic mixture for our mental state. The health detriments of poor sleep are varied, from irritability to poor cognitive performance and efficiency. Adults are advised to sleep at least 7 hours per night and this can be more easily achieved during travels. You might even engage in an afternoon nap after lunch, also known as a siesta.

Taking vacations can lower men’s risk of death by 21% and mortality from cardiovascular disease by 32% yet despite all of these benefits; we all know there is nothing that has an advantage without a disadvantage.

Below are some of the dangers of travelling;

• Illness 

• Road accidents due to bad road

• Stomach problems

• Assault or robberies

Despite these dangers, that shouldn’t stop you from travelling because staying at home doesn’t keep you safe either. Regardless of it all you should travel.

It obvious that travelling comes with a myriad of health benefits for the mind, body and soul. What are you waiting for? Book your vacation and your health will thank you for it and you’ll be glad you did. 

Thanks for reading!

Article By:

Iyiola Grace Omowumi 

 Food, Nutrients & Health.


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