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Milk is a nutrient rich, white liquid food produced by the mammary glands of mammals. Milk is a primary source of nutrition for infant mammals before they are able to digest other types of food.

Human milk consumption was defined in 1909 by the the international congress of food by the following formula; "Milk is the product of the total full and uninterrupted milking of a diary female in good health, also nourished and not overworked".

Milk is also one of most nutritious drinks in the world, it's not only rich in high quality protein but also as excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Milk is a considerable resources of products whose composition varies, four components are dominant in quantitative terms; Water 87.7%, Fat 3.3%, Protein 0.7%, and lactose  34% while the minor components are minerals, enzymes, vitamins, and dissolved gases, Water is the main constituent.

Benefits of milk

* Milk is considered to be an immunity boosting food due to certain nutrients like zinc and vit. D.

* Milk is also good for heart, having a glass of milk can improve good cholesterol levels in the blood.

* It is rich in good fats that have a certain significance in boosting the overall metabolism of the body.

* Drinking milk and may prevent osteoporosis and bone fractures and even help to maintain a healthy weight.

* Milk contains several important nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, potassium and vitamins B&D.

Types of milk

1. Whole milk

2. Low milk

3. Fat_ free milk (skim milk)

4. Organic milk

5. Lactose free milk

6. Flavored milk

7. Reduced fat (2%milk)

8 Raw milk comes from cows, but occasionally from other mammals such as goats and sheep.

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