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When it comes to studying food courses at higher levels many are ambivalent about  food disciplines - it's Purpose and full meaning.

 This article palmed justice on the lingering contradictory ideas.

The main reason why food discipline has been annexed into most institution disciplines is because of its vast advantage to humans.

A recent article by OLAWALE MICHEAL JUWON titled "Food in macroscopic view" harnessed the importance of food in fulfilling vision. 

"Food is sustenance, whatever you are wishing to do or to become, you need a food to sustain it." - inferred from the article. It's dear to understand the efficacy of food discipline

Food Science

This is the discipline in food that majors on products from agricultural science, for instance a maize produced  through the use of agricultural techniques will be analyzed by the food scientist in order to  determine the quality, its safety for consumption and its mode of preservation

Food scientists use their knowledge to improve methods of processing, storing, packaging, and distributing food.

Food science has it's division into Food Safety, Food Analysis, Molecular gastronomy(discussed below) and many others.

Molecular Gastronomy

This is one of food discipline that people rarely know about or rather its purpose, and it overlaps with food science.

However, molecular gastronomy is amongst other fascinating disciplines in food, it can be classified as a division under food science.

It is the study of physical and chemical changes which occurs during cooking.

It springs forth as a result of insufficient investigation of food changes in home, restaurant and places where cooking is being carried out.

The investigation include:

  1.  How ingredients are changed based on cooking methods

      2. How aroma are being released and perceived

     3.How consumer enjoys food in relation to some factors.

They are similar to FCS i.e. 

Food Consumer Science(see below) because of their solution to problems concerning inventing new dishes.

Food Technology

This specialization deals with procedural methods that makes food.

Initially it was centered on adding color, flavor and preserving food.

But with the advancement of technology it is now being used in  drying, decaffeination, self-cooking techniques, labelling etc.

Food technology leverages on food science quality stat produced and enables it management.

The Food technologist manumit the secret of semi-processed food like instant milk powder, poundo yam etc. 

Some of the area food technologists work on include:

Cryodesiccation - a process whereby water is removed from food content at a lower temperature by freezing, lowering pressure and removing ice through sublimation (solid to gas).

HTST- High Temperature Short Time occurs at about  135 degree Celsius and food product(especially milk) are allowed to stay about 4seconds. It functions majorly in processing and killing of bacteria.

And others

Food Consumer Science

This discipline studies the relationship between food products and the final consumer.

It analyses how socioeconomic, legal, technical, ethical or environmental factors affect human food choice and food supply.

This discipline makes use of sensory analysis, also called sensory evaluation which involves use of human sense for determination of consumer's preference on products.

This discipline is of great help to the food industry because of its involvement in policy Making - creating new ideas for industry and production of products the consumer will enjoy.

This discipline also determines the nutritional requirements for consumer.

The discipline goes through fundamentals of human nutrition, food chemistry, food microbiology, cell biology, genetics, human physiology and psychology.

They can be called intermediary between health nutritionist, food industry and the consumer.

Nutrition and Dietetics

The term "Dietetics" deals with diet and its effects on human health.

Nutrition and Dietetics is just the science of nutrition affecting human health.

It involves the translation of nutritional knowledge into physical or practical dietary advice for human.

They are considered as health care professionals.

Nutrition and Dietetics are responsible for providing care, using therapeutic diets to treat disease, consultation to patients, public health awareness and 

Improving the accuracy & comprehension of food labels.

Food packaging

Quality control

Food preservation

Food chemistry. To study the effects of various factors on food and its safety, food scientists must be very knowledgeable in chemistry. It enables them to determine which packaging materials are the safest, how long particular food products are safe to eat, how to extend their shelf life, what is the effect of particular processing methods on food taste and nutritional value, etc.

Food microbiology. Like its name suggests, this discipline is primarily focused on microorganisms that are responsible for food spoilage and in particular, microorganisms that can pose a threat to human health. However, scientists who specialize in this discipline also study microorganisms that have a positive effect on human health such as probiotics for instance and those that are essential for food production. One of the best examples is the use of mould spores in the production of cheese.

Food engineering. This is a very broad discipline which encompasses everything from food production to things such as processing and packaging. In addition to developing methods and techniques to make food safer, tastier and more nutritious, food engineers also play an important role in fields such as optimization of production processes with an aim to reduce the costs of production on the one hand and increase the sales on the other.

Article by

Olawale Michael Juwon

Food, Nutrients and Health.

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