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Vegetarians and Nutrition


Vegetarians and Nutrition

Vegetarianism is a general term that applies to those who do not eat flesh foods (some, however do not eat fish). Vegetarians do not eat meat.

Some vegetarians eat animal products, such as milk, cheese and eggs, some won't eat any animal products at all, as much as other peoples opinion should be highly respected, it is still advisable not to turn into a vegetarian without proper guidance.

Vegetarians choose to consume the majority of their calories from plant foods because it's loaded with nutrients that protect our health. Vegetarian diets are low in total and saturated fat and also cholesterol. Vegetarians need to make sure they get enough lron, Vit B, Calcium, Protein and Vit D.

The truth is, vegetarians are less likely to get certain disease such as heart diseases.

The types of vegetarians are as follows:
1. Strict or Vagan
2. Lacto Vegetarian
3. Ovo Vegetarian
4. Lacto_ ovo vegetarian
5. Pescatarian ( Pescatarian)
6. Pollotarian
7. Flexitarian

I will discuss only on the first two types;

* Strict or Veganism: which excludes all animal products including milk, cheeses, eggs and other diary products.

* Lacto- Vegetarian: Which excludes meat, poultry, and seafood, but includes eggs and diary products.

Food every vegetarians should eat for a balanced intake of nutrients are the following;

Dried fruits, Leafy greens, Cereals and grains, Beans, Lentils, Nuts, Soyabean.

Medical evidence indicates that a vegetarian diet can be as healthy and in some cases healthier than a diet including meat and fish. Vegetarians are often found to be thinner, healthier and have longer lifespan that non- vegetarians.

However, Vegetarians must be sure to get adequate nutrition (especially protein) into their diets.

Thanks for reading!

Article By:
Adisa Aanuoluwapo
Food, Nutrients and Health.




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