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Diet For Exercise


Diet For Exercise.

Eating and exercise go hand in hand, knowing when and what to eat can make a difference in your workouts. Nutrition is important for fitness. Eating a well balanced diet can help you get the calories and nutrients you need to fuel daily activities, including regular exercise.
When it comes to eating foods for your exercise performance, it’s not as simple as choosing vegetables over doughnuts. You need to eat right types of food at the right times of the day.

Your first meal of the day is an important one. Eating breakfast regularly has been said to lower the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart diseases. Starting your day with healthy meal can help replenish your blood sugar, which your body uses to power your muscles and brain.

When you plan to exercise;
1.     Taking the right kind of carbohydrates is important.
Instead of eating sugar-laden cereals made from refined grains, try oat meals, oat bran or other whole-grain cereals that are high in fiber. Then add some protein, such as milk, yoghurt or chopped nut.

2.     Watch the portion size.
Be careful not to overdo it when it comes to how much you eat before exercise. The general guideline suggest that
i.                   Eat large meals at least 3-4 hours before exercising.
ii.                 Eat small meals or snacks 1-3 hours before exercising.
Eating too much before you exercise can leave you feeling sluggish and eating too little ought not to give you the energy you need to keep feeling strong throughout your workout.

3.      Eat after your exercise.
To help your muscles recover and to replace their glycogen stores, eat a meal that contains both carbohydrates and protein with two hours of your exercise session if possible. Good post workout food choices include yoghurt and fruit, low fat chocolate milk and peanut butter sandwich.

4.     Drink Water
Don’t forget to drink a lot of water. You need adequate fluids before, during and after exercise to help prevent dehydration. Water is generally the best way to replace lost fluids. But if you’re exercising for more than 60 minutes, use a sport drink. Sport drinks can give you a bit more energy because they contain carbohydrate. Be reminded that the length and intensity of this activity will determine how often and what you should eat and drink.

Thanks for reading!

Article By:
Iyiola Grace Omowumi
Food, Nutrients & Health.

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