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My Journey with Food

Growing up in a world of sweets, treats, delicious comfort foods, and satisfaction, I lived my life as a care-free child, eating to satisfy hunger, stopping upon feeling full, and viewing food as energy. However, the journey into adolescence and adulthood changed everything.

At times, when I have cravings for sugary foods, I remember the menstrual cramps, the mood swings (food actually affect mood swings), the uncontrollable blood flow and everything that concerns adolescence, I slow down on my diet, sometimes and sometimes I cheat my body and my diet and I face the consequences darely. 

Leaving the adolescence life, many times when I feel too busy and unable to eat, I would feast on junks and soon this became an habit and my body took a turn for the worst, I was bloating and people thought I was getting fat and I realized that I was jeopardizing my digestive health and I became aware of the abnormal lifestyle I was living. There I realized that weight gain and weight loss did not come as a result of eating healthy vs unhealthy foods, but ultimately it comes as a byproduct of caloric intake. 

The calories I was consuming to “overcompensate” were excessive and made me consume more than what my body was needing. For so many years, I had the mentality that food would cause weight gain and so I started skipping meals like having 1-0-1, 0-0-1, 0-1-1 in order to avoid weight gain. Yet food was never the enemy, food is life. My body was screaming, crying in pain and agony to be nurtured during periods of hunger.

When I knew that the detriments of my physical, mental and digestive health caused by disordered eating patterns is at stake, I made a decision to adopt a lifestyle of intuitive eating by listening to my body when it is full, feeding it when it is hungry. After a week of repenting (eating more frequent, smaller meals and snacks sometimes instead of skipping meals, I noticed my digestive system was back on track and I had less food to eat at the end of the day. But note, each of my meal I take I make sure 90% I incorporate a good source of veggies, protein and carbohydrate for a well balanced meal.

As every experience comes with learning , my own personal experience has taught me that while our minds may categorize food into “bad” and “good”, everything should be consumed in moderation and our bodies will respond by allowing us to feel stronger and healthier.


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Article by:

Peace Jesutofunmi

Food, Nutrients & Health


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