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Cassava Flakes


Cassava Flakes

In West Africa cassava flakes popularly known as garri is the powdery food material flour made from the tuberous roots of the cassava plant,  which in the process of its manufacture is changed into dry edible granules. Garri is one of the main sources of carbohydrates and a popular staple food in Nigeria,  usually mixed with sugar,  peanuts, milk, etc and eaten however you desire.  

The stereotypical mind of a Nigerian man considers cassava flakes as a poor man's food. But this go-to-meal is one whose health benefits are not paid attention to by its consumers. So if you've ever wondered what makes drinking cassava flakes healthy?  Here are a few things:

 Weight loss

If you're trying to lose some weight go for cassava flakes , Although cassava flakes is a starchy food,  it is low in calories and with high fibre contents that will help you stay full for a longer period.  Hence,  reducing the urge to always eat in large quantities. 

 Eases digestion

I always had the impression that combination of cassava flakes mixed with milk was to prevent eye problem who could think that the vitamins from milk mixed with garri makes a great combination which can help improve your digestive health.  Cassava Flakes helps to absorb toxins that go into your intestines. 

 Aids Diarrhea Cure

Cassava works for diarrhea too. So if you're having a meal-gone-wrong situation, mix it with water and drink twice a day and expect a perfect result.

Thanks for reading! 

 Article by:

Iyiola Grace Omowumi

 Food, Nutrients and Health



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