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The Views of a Student of Food Science

The Views of a Student of Food Science

Good day reader,
I'm Immanuel Rottex.
I visited Nestle's website last month, and from there took a particular online course which inspired this writing.

One thing I noticed first is how much Africa seems to be the centre of malnutriton, especially undernutrition. Countries like South Africa, Nigeria to mention a few term themselves King of Africa, Most Developed Black Nation etc. But, I was surprised to find out that even these nations were not exempted. Statiscally, Nigeria in particular is one of the countries with the highest figures of malnutrition, I couldn't belive my eyes. Well, I won't provide the statiscal data here, you may visit Nestle's website to find out more yourself.

This article is not intended to reach the great, rich & notable men of our society. It is intended to reach the few serious-minded men in the low & middle class who later would become the rulers of the society.

I'm of the opinion that the greatest investment we can ever make as a nation is in people most especially children & youths. Human resource is the greatest natural resource of our nation, far beyond crude oil and gold mines. But it's not so good that men like Bill Gates, not our nationality, are the ones doing this for us. I believe in a better Nigeria but this can't be possible if we refuse to address the issues of health, nutrition & education. There is no better nation without solidifying those three things.

I'd love to quote Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland who said "You cannot achieve environmental security and humam development without addressing the basic issues of health & nutrition". I'd prefer to say we can't achieve national development without addressing issues of health & nutrition.

I think we need to stop leaving these responsibilities to the government and notable men of the society. They already have much on their desks. We may not be as rich as Bill Gates or Dangote yet, but Mother Theresa said "If you can't feed all or many, then feed just one." Dropping that 20naira note to a beggar by the street doesn't reduce your net worth, it is a way of playing your part. Our motherless babies home shouldn't engage a radio or television broadcast before we visit. Let us learn to value lives. Let us not wait till a religious fallacy is carved around this simple fact to do what is right.

China is making big progress. But the secret of their success is 'men'. We must value ourselves. I do not write for any reason other than the desire for each of us to have a good attitude towards our nation. And if it is only one person this article would change, it suffice me.

I believe in a better Nigeria. The betterment of a nation is the betterment of it's people.
God bless Nigeria!

Thanks for reading my lengthy article.
Immanuel Rottex.

Food, Nutrients & Health.

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